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of the region

Vous avez envie d'une journée à la plage ?

In the south of Corsica, in the heart of an exceptional nature reserve, you'll find some of the island's most famous beaches.

To take full advantage of the magic of the area around Porto-Vecchio and choose a quiet spot to put your towel down, it's best to get up early before the 10am rush. Similarly, after 5 p.m., it will be easier to find a parking space, or even free parking spaces.

Every day, you'll have the chance to discover a new cove and choose the beach that best suits your tastes, whether you're a family, a sports enthusiast, young or old.

What if protecting your skin from the sun's rays with a sun cream is essential for everyone's health, it must not be at the expense of aquatic flora and fauna. Play the "Ocean friendly by using a sun cream that respects the seabed 😉

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